Adjusting the handbrake helped with the noise and temperature, but the rear wheel bearings still needed replacing, so I stripped down the rear end to remove the bearings.
And then went a bit further…
I figured whilst I was there, I’d remove the rest of the brakes and tidy up the backing plates and calliper carriers.
Continuing with the process of trying to eliminate noises, I found that the throttle cable was tapping against both the turbo heat shield and underneath of the bonnet. So a couple of extra cable ties will secure it better and stop it making a noise.
Since I fitted the new radiator, I didn’t like that it was visible from the front of the car. It was slightly too tall, but extra size is needed for the cooling capacity, so a section of the front panel beneath the number plate was removed. But, as the radiator was bright shiny aluminium, it stuck out like a sore thumb, and I was frustrated with it.
So I finally got round to disguising it with a squirt of black paint.
And, finally, there’s a nice shot from the front, so here’s one from the back too.
And last but not least, the interior as it currently stands, with the new ETB boost gauge.