I’ve had a major change of direction with this project! After the car sitting for a couple of years, the Crossflow engine is no longer appealing to me, as having driven my 190bhp Honda Prelude VTEC for the last year, I don’t want my “weekend car” to be less fun, and the Crossflow, without serious money being spent on it, will only give me ~100bhp.
So, instead, I’m going for turbo power. Courtesy of Nissan, I present the S13 200SX:
The engine is a CA18DET, which is a 1.8 litre, 16 valve, twin-cam engine with a Garrett T25, running at 170bhp as standard. Extra power is quite easily obtainable, so a power increase when I get bored is quite easy – and is much cheaper than modifying the crossflow engine.
My task now is to remove the running gear from the 200SX, and modify it to fit the Anglia. The track is 10 inches wider than the Anglia, so I estimate 6 inches will need to come out of the middle of the running gear, in order to keep the wheels within the Anglia arches. Answers on a postcard for that conundrum!